Why did I blog in the first place. Being a virgin to blog, I hate the fact that I had to write about what I learnt in class and tutorial of EDU 3217.. But because of my lovely lecturer had asked us to do so, I guess there’s no other way I can dodge the bullet of this one..
But it turns out that blogging was quite fun as I managed to voice out what I think about the play I’ve learnt at class without any direct judgmental comments. Therefore I am able to think about the lesson more critically..My reflective skill about the play I’ve learnt also improved a lot.. Therefore I am able to criticize about the lesson in class and tutorials.
Other than that, I can ruminate on the simulated teaching that I’ve done. What I did on my teaching and what I think need to be improved..
And with my friends comments, I now understand that my friends have some important things that they want to express but did not do so in class.
And learning in this course of EDU 3217 has made me realize that play is an interesting subject to learn. And my earlier perspective about play and theatre has been altered as to me play is not that hard. I have learnt to love and appreciate a piece of play and for it to be performed made a play to be more beautiful.
Meeting a playwright and trying to be one is also a fascinating things that I managed to do while I learnt in the course.. Watch a play was very exciting as it has open myself to a play that is modern and minimal.. Hope me and my course mates will be able to watch another play in a different time together again..
And to my lecturer that will be retiring soon, HAPPY RETIREMENT will await you..Miss Kasthoori, thanks for your open and sporting attitude in guiding us not only in the world of play but also in our journey of becoming a teacher. You had given so many valuable tips to us and we appreciate it a lot. Maybe blogging will be an interesting hobby to do in near future..heheheBYE EDU 3217..HOPING FOR GOOD GRADE!!!!