Have you ever imagine yourself being blind? Is it really bad like what we as sight people perceive it to be? Of course we will not wish for blindness if we are born with vision. But does being blind is the worst case to happen to us.

Let me tell you about a person called Teiresias, a blind man with knowledge. He is one of the Greek prophet that was blinded by Athena because he saw her bathing. However, she cleans his ears, giving him the gift of augury. Later, he was also turn into a woman for hitting a pair of copulating snakes. For seven years, ‘he’ lived a woman live. But after some occasion ‘he’ regain his masculinity.
In the play “Oedipus The King” he appears as a blind prophet yet able to see the future. In contrast a man with vision, Oedipus is unable to know about himself.So, here, I think being a physically blind person is not the worse things to happen as being blind to reality. Sometimes a normal sight person can be ‘blinder’ as we cannot see the reality because we only look everything on the surface level only
Hi Rahimah…
Interesting topic…it’s all about blindness…physically or mentally. As what you said sometimes sight person as we are can be ‘blinder’ because we don’t know the truth and just judge everything on the surface level only. We can see it through Teiresias and Oedipus characteristic. One with physically blindness but know everything around him, he also know the truth and know the secret of Thebes. But the ‘king’ which is Oedipus doesn’t even know the truth and become as the ‘blinder’ in this situation. Yup…being a mentally blind is worse than physically blind.
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