Friday, November 19, 2010
Saye Sangat Jeles!!!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
day 6 : whatever tickles your fancy~~
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Saturday, October 16, 2010
It is This Day that I am scared of
Monday, October 4, 2010
Meminta Kebenaran...
Friday, October 1, 2010
Kemarahan Aku Bukan Dibuat-Buat~~
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Dunie oh Dunie~~~
Monday, September 13, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Saye Perlu Membebel~~~
Monday, September 6, 2010
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Time to R.A.N.T
Saturday, August 14, 2010
ima tanpa internet..
wuaaa...nak online...bkn nak fesbuk, sbb tu bley aku tgk kt fon jek...i want utube n nak download videos...uish, rase cm tak senang duduk jek takleh online...dhla goguma couple dh ade kt utube...tulun....
ok2 aku bg mase smpai esok je...hey streamyx,ko better fix urself by tomorrow morning or im gonna flip....u wouldnt like it if i do!!!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
kehilangan MooD
Saturday, July 24, 2010
HaRi KelimA
Sunday, July 11, 2010
mari pulang ke sana~~
Monday, July 5, 2010
Darah Saye~~
aku tetibe jek nk wat entry pasal bloodtype...ntahla, lepas bace entry aku mase kelas drama dulu n pastu tringat cite UKISS Vampire, tros rase ‘Oh! aku patut explain diri aku based on my bloddtype.’
Sebabnye adelah aku rase aku neyh sgt serius at certain time smpai nmpak mcm sgt super skema...aku ngaku mmg aku camtuh...kdg2 aku kepoh sgt konon nk wat yg terbaek (KONON) n piker something terlalu mendalam n nmpak mcm sgt annoying...
aku xdela nk kate aku percaya 100% pasal analisis diri based on blood type neyh, tp aku percaye bahawe siket2 kajian yg dibuat utk dpt analisis neyh, pasti ade yg betolnyer...mule2 pade yg wonder apekejadahnyer UKISS Vampire tuh, kat sini aku ade bubuh 1st episode cite tuh, g la cari kt Youtube kalu nk lagi...
well, puas hati??? Dah, jom kite bace cket kajian pasal org2 yg berdarah jenis ‘A’...aku lah orgnyer...
“Type A blood types are defined as farmers. They are considered conventional in all that they do. They are considerate to other people, and find it hard to tell lies. Loyalty towards friends and co-workers is another trait. On the downside they can be secretive. This means they don’t often share their feelings, and can become insecure and pessimistic. Apparently, once they’ve had a few drinks they can turn into nasty pieces of work.”
· Reserved calm, even tempered, introverted, sensitive to public opinion, responsible, reliable
· even tempered and takes charge when others are in confusion
· may be introvert or standoffish or shy
· may feel nervous or ill at ease with others
· sensitive to surroundings and others
· hesitant to change
· may feel misunderstood
· may shy from group
· nature lover
· prefers suburbs away from crowds
· needs a private space for refuge
· may be accused of being pessimist because of fear of change
· many are artists or creative types due to sensitivity
· craves success
· tasty served with any vegetable
Ok, agak scary sebab hamper sume analisis neyh kene kat batang idong sendirik...lebeyh2 lagi yg aku dh bold kan tuh...1st skali adelah secretive...okeyh, aku mmg sgt secretive okeyh...kat blog neyh jek aku rant like crazy...kalu kat real life, HARAM la aku nk bgtau kat org ape masalah aku...siyes, bkn xpercaye kat org tp rase cm masalah aku neyh sgt remeh but at the same time mcm memalukan diri sendirik...n I can assure you that none of you yg tau atlis 80% pasal diri aku...n don’t feel bad, aku rase family aku sendirik pon only know like 70% of me...aku xsuke ckp ngan org pasal diri aku n lebeh xsuke kalu org ckp pasal diri aku xkesah org nk cite pape kat aku...I’m more than welcome to that...
Shy n needs private space for refuge tuh mmg sebati ngan aku...well, maybe it is associated ngan fizikal aku, n also because aku neyh kalu aku rase pape, aku lebeyh suke dok sorg2 n just cry my heart out...aiseh, benci gak ngan diri sendirik kadang2...
Xsuke perubahan n pesimistik plak aku rase mmg dh kene antare satu same laen...aku rase kalu aku cube wat something new, aku might end up failing...thats y aku rase aku lebeyh suke hidop aku the way it is...xsuke langsong ade slight difference in my life...for example, mase cuti neyh...aku malas gile nk g kuar jalan2 sbb ntah, mcm mengganggu jadual hidop aku...haish~~~
Tp korg jgn la risau lebeyh2...aku bkn all the time siyes n mcm nk mkn the analysis said ‘once they’ve had a few drinks they can turn into nasty pieces of work’...aku mmg akan be the most craziest person you have ever met kalu my right mood n emotions are in the right time...HuH~~aku suke hepi...sape xsuke, seboleh-bolehnye aku nk enjoy hidop aku yg dull n boring aku arap korg akan ade utk enjoy dgn aku jugak!!!
ohye, kalu korg nk tgk analisis darah korang g la kt laman web yg aku bg tuh...pandai2 r cari sendirik...gugel jek...
Sunday, July 4, 2010
I neither am someone who has come to this place and post nor thought that I would actually post such things. I was incidentally chosen for Samsung Card, as someone who had spend more than an hour with this man called ‘Kim Hyun Joong’, I would like to share with everyone what I had seen with my very own eyes about this commoner called ‘Kim Hyun Joong’.
First: ‘I’m eating with my fan hence I don’t want to receive money.’
Normally for Samsung, the participating fan would have to pay the activity fees, since it is after all an ‘Eating with Kim Hyun Joong ‘activity, but this man called ‘Kim Hyun Joong rejected it and expressed that he just wanted to eat with the fan, just come, don’t need to pay such fees.
Second: ‘Just want to meet with fan comfortably and happily without being watched by the reporters and the cameras’
Since he’s a star, Samsung thinks that there should definitely be reporters and the cameras. When asked about his thoughts on whether there should be recording, this man called Kim Hyun Joong expressed that he just want to chat comfortably with the fan, be happy and have fun, because it’s awkward to just sit quietly hence would like to play some interesting games.
Third: ‘I have no problem with the time hence would like to play games, I don’t have other schedules so it’s okay’
The game took longer than excepted, hence more than an hour had passed. As a result, the host expressed that the game should stopped, but this man called ‘Kim Hyun Joong’ while someone was looking at the watch expressed that he’s fine, because being with fan is very interesting, hence would like to continue, the Samsung staff was surprised and said that she/he always thought that to star, time is money.
Fourth: ‘I like military tanks…would like to have one’
When it’s time for the fan to ask question, the fan asked what kind of car does he like to drive. Perhaps fearing to give a misleading answer, he thought in silence for a moment. This man called ‘Kim Hyun Joong’ replied that he would like but unable to drive a military tank. The Samsung Staff said that it’s very 4-Dimensional and at the same time very thoughtful. (Note: Anyone who is a fan of star will know that when any star said he likes something, as a fan who likes him, she will try her best to buy what he wants and give it to him, hence Kim Hyun Joong gave such answer.)
Fifth: ‘From now on, my aim is to give a free and happy concert, one where fans need not pay money’
When asked what aim he has for the future, without any hesitation, this man called ‘Kim Hyun Joong’ said his reply. It’s not to become a Hallyu star nor be a world star but let the fans not to worry over money and happily watch concert as his aim. This man called ‘Kim Hyun Joong’. The Samsung staff said that he’s really someone who cares for the fans.
Even though I’m someone who knows Kim Hyun Joong, knows SS501 for a short period, this activity of which I was incidentally chosen, allowed me to see this commoner side of Kim Hyun Joong of which made me feel even more delighted.
Even though I don’t know a lot of details (due to the time of being a fan), that day, what I had seen and felt of this man called ‘Kim Hyun Joong’, he’s not like what everyone is saying, he’s not someone who will abandon his members, wants to disband(SS501),choose(new) company due to money. Even the ones who host this activity felt the same and expressed that he’s very good man. Before Kim Hyun Joong and the other members have officially announced their disbandment, before they have spoken about this, everyone should believe (them) more than me. Having supported Kim Hyun Joong for so long, those criticisms of him, it isn’t late to say it after we know the truth right. As someone who works as a nurse at one of Kang Nam’s hospital, I have seen many stars who came to see doctors, (realised that) stars are ordinary people too who will bleed when they’re injured. If this thread is an opportunity to make people understand Kim Hyun Joong more, it is allowed to be moved to any places, hope that more people will know. Even up to now I still feel very thankful to them because I got to know Kim Hyun Joong and SS501.Because I was not a fan then hence didn’t know where to write this account. Hyun Love (ID)."
Saturday, July 3, 2010

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

n the source of my love to Kpop initially is SS501...aku stat realize dorg after tgk before tuh tgk jek Boys Over Flower...n sah2 aku kutuk abes-abesan HYUNJOONG aka leader ss501...kutuk abes2 lah...then Fila everyday akan dengar lagu Love Like This by them n at the time honestly, I dont really care for them...n siap gelak2 lagi bile Fila suke ngan Kyu Jong yg pade aku tah pape subconciously, aku Ternyanyi gak lagu tuh, yela ari2 kot denga!!!kat bawah neyh ade aku letakkan video lagu tuh...sebenarnyer aku nk ltak yg parody sbb sgt lawak tp, let the nice memory of ss501 jek ade kat post neyh ok...

thanks to dis song lah...suare die sgt sedap n memikat kami semue...OST Boys Over Flower...n btw, aku totally hafal lagu neyh!!!I can totally sing along though u might not get what the hell I'm pronouncing...kuikuikui