I am n addicted KPOP lovers!!!well that is not new right???n adekah korg tahu siape yg menjebakkan aku dlm dunie korea???sile jawab kalu tahu...xtahu ker???bia aku bagitahu, orgnyer adelah NURHAFILAH n SITI AMINAH!!!dorg ajak aku explore Kpop n eventually aku jd independant Kpop lover...hahahaha
n the source of my love to Kpop initially is SS501...aku stat realize dorg after tgk before tuh tgk jek Boys Over Flower...n sah2 aku kutuk abes-abesan HYUNJOONG aka leader ss501...kutuk abes2 lah...then Fila everyday akan dengar lagu Love Like This by them n at the time honestly, I dont really care for them...n siap gelak2 lagi bile Fila suke ngan Kyu Jong yg pade aku tah pape subconciously, aku Ternyanyi gak lagu tuh, yela ari2 kot denga!!!kat bawah neyh ade aku letakkan video lagu tuh...sebenarnyer aku nk ltak yg parody sbb sgt lawak tp, let the nice memory of ss501 jek ade kat post neyh ok...
n the source of my love to Kpop initially is SS501...aku stat realize dorg after tgk before tuh tgk jek Boys Over Flower...n sah2 aku kutuk abes-abesan HYUNJOONG aka leader ss501...kutuk abes2 lah...then Fila everyday akan dengar lagu Love Like This by them n at the time honestly, I dont really care for them...n siap gelak2 lagi bile Fila suke ngan Kyu Jong yg pade aku tah pape subconciously, aku Ternyanyi gak lagu tuh, yela ari2 kot denga!!!kat bawah neyh ade aku letakkan video lagu tuh...sebenarnyer aku nk ltak yg parody sbb sgt lawak tp, let the nice memory of ss501 jek ade kat post neyh ok...
tp bile aku tgk WGM, ohmaigod...teros jatoh cinte selame sebulan terhadap leader Hyunjoong...n apelagi tros kene bambu ngan Fila...yela dulu kate kat die apela minat leader kt Boys Over Flower...mcm xde kelebihan n sgt2 pelik sbb pade pandangan aku die super fila still ckp die ade senyuman yg sweet...ntah pape jek...nah sekarang aku plak minat die...padan muke!!!n walaupon aku kate aku neyh anti Lettuce couple iaitu due makhluk di bawah neyh, leader n luvly wife Hwangbo, aku actually kagum n jeles gile kat dorg...slamber yet so sweet...n because of that jealousy tulah aku ckp xsuke ngan siyes bile aku tgk cite We Got Married dorg, aku gelak lawak dorg, aku jeles ngan Buin yg terer masak, aku suke tgk Leader romentik n aku nanges bile dorg berpisah sbb Leader busy...(foreshadow okeyh, because leader's commitment pade lakonan makes him leave one of the best thing yg happen to his life)...aku sgt addicted to their show n thought nothing will top their fake marriage...nasebla I was proven wrong coz ade pengganti die iaitu Goguma couple...hehehe...okeyh2...not talking bout those...

n the rest is HISTORY...aku teros minat gegilean pade ss501...even more than SUJU sbb mase tuh cume tahu pasal ss501...ari2 kalu bleh tgk video ss501 kt youtube n ct plak mesti carik video Kyu Jong die...lawak2...n ntah bile, aku terjatoh cinte dkt Jung Min n hilang dh rase cintan cintun terhadap Leader...n Jungmin oppa is my Number 1 Bias in Kpop...even before Heechul oppa tau...suke gile ngan kegilaan Jung Min n aku totally xingat the 1st reason aku suke kat Jung Min...oh oppa...lame2, die jugak became some others favorite...hehe...he is just so lovable kan...
n then aku mule suke kat baby Jun...syg gile ngan die yg kiut miut..kiut kan die???ohye gamba bwh neyh la die (the 1 wearing white shirt)...the other guy tuh lagi aku syg...lets not talk bout him here siyes, muke die yg sgt comel n perangai die yg cm BABY mmg sgt sweet...kalu bole amek die n simpan dlm kocek, huh mmg jek aku dh in reality die sgt abg2 n sgt mature jek...just for the fact die adelah baby in ss501, die ade privilege utk mengade-ngade...hihihi

at 1st, sume org xpandang langsong saengi as ntah kenape lpas denga lagu Find, kitorg sume teros menyayangi die sepenoh ati...he became everybodys' fav...n ini adelah terbukti kerana kitorg pnah wat poll between aku, Ct, Fila n Siah, n Saengi menang 1st place tau...die sgt comel...our prince yg suke senyum n suke wat muke can we ever hate you sayang...look at that face, n tell me how the hell am I suppose to hate him...even ade rumor yg die pnah ade love triangle with eunhyuk of Suju n another girl, he is so lovable n super cute to be blamed...
thanks to dis song lah...suare die sgt sedap n memikat kami semue...OST Boys Over Flower...n btw, aku totally hafal lagu neyh!!!I can totally sing along though u might not get what the hell I'm pronouncing...kuikuikui
n walaopon aku xdela suke ngan kyu jong, I have to admit die ade sore yg bes n agak hurm...nice guy is just not my style...hehe...papela KIM KYU MIR!!!die lawak actually, tp ntah nape aku rase every time die ckp pasal diri die, aku rase nk tutup lappy or just fast forwardkan jek part like I said before, Ct is CRAZEE over him...n the most cute part is our coursemate Amirrudin, he is like a reincarnation of Kyu Jong...n thats when Kim Kyu Jong became Kim Kyu Mir!!!hahahaha lawak okeyh...
tp this past month, aku terime berite yg amat2 sedeyh bout this beloved group of mine n my friends...dorg ade possibility utk disband...OMG!!!aku ingat ngan kemunculan semule dorg, with LOVE YA akan activate dorg smule, but sadly, that was not the case...oppa, dont cover your face!!!
aku terkejut kot bile ade gossip bout them being disbanded...belom disband tp aura tuh sgt kuat!!!mmg jek aku pasan when they were talking SHIT mase fanmeet...nanges2 n talking how they had put tripleS' aka dorg punyer fanclub down because xwat promotion lame2...n the fact yg dorg xyakin dorg will stay forever as ss501...aduh!!!perlu ke ckp mcm at that time, aku rilek jek...refuse to fikir yg bukan2 n just wait for them to sambong kontrak n u know, just b ss501!!!
tp the latest news neyh wat aku sedeyh campor geram...sume ade...geram kat leader yg tuka company...sedeyh kat saengi n Kyu Mir sbb dorg xde arah...n rindu pade Jungmin n yela...dorg ade life n career yg dorg nk pursue...haish...
I dont want to put the blame on leader just because die sambong kontrak ngan syarikat laen utk pursue die punye acting career (just like what happen when he is with Hwangbo) a bit disappointed lah...but then, it IS his own life we are talking bout...xkan nk ckp ngan die u must be with ss501 forever n not pursue that acting career of yours...
n wat d hell plak to news yg kate DSP xmau sambong kontrak with Kyu Jong...yeah, I know he is not everyones liking but honestly, without him, wat become of ss501...come on la...think thoroughly kot...before, I was quite lega with the fact yg ss501 neyh under DSP media coz dorg bkn under SM ent or JYP ent, yg mmg skrg tgh hangat pasal Hankyung of SUJU n Jay 2PM...skali tup tup dorg rupernyer lagi terok kot...sbb senang2 jek nk lpaskan one of their precious son yg dorg dh kerah for 5 years n now buang n because of what???xlayak ke die???for 5 freaking years dh die kerje keras...still xlayak???atlis SME n JYPE tuh xsewenang-wenangnyer buang hankyung or fact, Hankyung n Jay yg decide xmau ngan company tuh DSP???OMG!!!geram!!!
honestly aku arap diorg stay kalu dorg stay pon, they will not be the same...dorg ade own priorities yg mmg diorg kene wat...hanyer dorg yg perlu decide whether dorg still nk be a ss501 or just go is all in their hands...precious hands yg dh hold each others for 5 years...
n who am I to tell them what to do...just because I'm a fan, I cant decide on their life, RIGHT???how can I???it is their life, dorg yg hidop dlm life tuh...their future is in their hands n not MINE...dorg yg wake up every morning n face the decisions yg dorg dh it or not, dorg yg decide...
kite???sokong dorg n be a good need to be mad OR be a crazy fan yg hate the artist just because of this bump in their life...buang jaoh2 rase marah n just be happy with whatever they choose to decide...siyes...aku xmau jadi fan yg go nuts marahkan either side, coz it will be a waste on my part...penat pikir the best solutions tok dorg, siyes, aku asek la pikir what are the best options to them, tp mcm xgune kan...bknnyer aku yg akan tentukan what they are suppose to am left speechless~~ my heart SS501 forever as 1????!!!!!hopefully Yeah...

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