I am new 2 d world of blogging...
bile aku start blogging ni, rase cam xlame jek...yela...time consuming tau x...dhla tu, I dont have enough life experience 2 write about...my life currently pon not very d interesting 2 b shared 2 d world...xde boypren...xde peminat...xde kawan baek...xde papela senang...so kadang2 if u all notice (adeke 'u all' ni sume) crite dlm blog aku amatlah xmenarik...cite yg sgt ringan2...(ringan laen ek korg)...but 2 tell u d truth...I DONT CARE WHAT U THINK...aku nk wat blog utk diri aku...my own self fullfilment...tp nak gak improve on my writing style...so bile bace ade trase kesan d hati...hehehe
I read lots of blog, just bcoz I love reading...byk gakla yg aku suke n smpai skrg xmiss bace walau diorang xla slalu update...soem od d blogs r [ the bogus circus by Helmi Razali, hilangpunca by pIpIyApOnG, primajohnna owned by d handsomest human being on earth (uweknye), gEEk iN tHe pInK by my TESL senior BungaHafizal, sarah al idrus owner d same name]...sudah2 kalu nk mention mau smpai 1 page pnoh pasal name blog jek....but these r some yg sgt2 aku enjoy n suke...
I read all these blogs pon bkn ape, just bcoz I love reading...sometimes by doing so, I improve my style of writing...aku trikut2 care pnulisan diorg (yela aku new blogger, no identity lg)...sgt suke...n aku prasan ade blogs tuh cam ade trikot2 sgt care pnulisan bloggers laen...aku xsenang sgt la gitu gak...we have 2 find our own identity in writing...as 4 now, I'm still looking, trying n changing...at some point my posts r mostly in English if u notice...I did that coz I wanted 2 write better in English, yela kan aku kan future teacher...English aku sblom ni agak tunggang terlanggang so aku rase blogging is d best way 2 help me writing better in d bahase penjajah...huhuhu...but now, I realize there's no point in membuta-tuli writing in English if I still dont master d beauty of d language...aku xmau saje2 tulis in English smpai in d end, xde nilai estetik nyer d ctu...(wow)
so, as 4 now, korg bertahan ye with my blog yg cam pape ni...I know it takes quite some time 4 my blogs 2 b interesting 2 every1...blog2 yg aku bace pon bkn sesenang jek nk ade pminat...they start from no1 reading their blogs 2 thousands enjoying n commenting in their blog...
tp ake ade 1 identiti...small small identiti yg aku suke...cbe teka...
ps klunyer...die kecik ade 3...