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Monday, April 12, 2010


Focus to the future...But the future is unknown la plak kan...Aku seakan-akan menangisi future yg xpasti...sayang, ia terlalu jauh...

ape future aku??? KAWEN??? to tell u all the truth, aku mmg ade angan2 yg oh-so-BIG bout my wedding...the classical baju pengantin, the simplicity of the theme, cutie cupcakes for wedding cakes, n the oh-so-wonderful husband beside me...Tp honestly, aku hanye imagine of that wedding day without a single drop of faith yg the wedding will be ON...Ntah, membujang kot aku smpai ke tua...Huh~~

n then comes my career...mampu ke aku nk bercikgu-cikgi n all...capable ke aku nk membimbing anak bangsa...nk confront others, n get involve with it all...ntahla, sgt2 xmau pk pasal i kept mengelak, until when la weh???huish...

n now the fact that I'm being fat...oh-so-basi...low self-esteem...kekurusan menjanjikan kebahagiaan???mungkin aku xbersedia...tertekan pon ade...peoples kept saying *nak diet*, they all are *gemok*...wat bout me then???u think I dont want 2 diet???haish~~~oh quoted from nova ye...though i know she means well, but I can't help but TERASA okeh...

Dear Malaysians. Pls dont let ur self get fat n pls dont let ur children get fat too. Its SICKENING. Some people r born with a big build but dey r not fat! U R!

Bikin sakit jiwa tgk org yg tlampau berat sendiri susah m0 jalan.

Scary ni..i duduk2 here tgk org lalu lalang..terimagine wat if dey pengsan n fell on me..ID DIE! Kena pisak!

ah~~aku sedeyh...aku nk ke future, tp d current is still vague...oh how I long for happiness...


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