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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

aku kehilangan~~

maybe sebab aku dh lame x berBLOG atau dh lame xmenulis...aku rase aku dh ilang the touch...not, again NOT saying yg aku maha hebat menulis blog sebelom neyh... but atlis when I read back some of the posts from previous aku rase sebak, happy, marah n kecewa bout the stories...sbb tuh memang stori aku, so aku dpt recall balek my emotions at the the time...biala aku jadik mcm masok bakul angkat sendirik, atlis aku rase aku ade space tok improve my writing...improve my blog...

tp sekarang aku rase FLAT!!!no EMOTIONS!!!sangat cold...mungkin sekarang aku xde emosi???
dulu tuh mase aku tulis blog, I'm either mad, happy or SUPER SAD bout, my feelings -rather than stable- aku lebeyh emotionless...aku lost hope n kept that emotions bottled up in my inflated body~~~haish

ntahla...I kinda miss that crazee IM yg luah everything she felt...remeh or not it is hers to decide...well...hopefully that Im will come back...soon...very soon~~

zaman kegelapan!!


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