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Saturday, May 29, 2010


wah2...gembirenyer ko ea im...bermarathon arini...

eh jap2...marathon???DAEBAK!!!larat ke ko nk ber"marathon"...larat okeh...sbb cume marathon muvi jek...yela kan...aku kan sgt OUTDATED ngan citer2 aku tgh marathon ler kan, aku bkn marathon citer yg mainstream tp aku g marathon short film n film indie dorg...hehehehe...n aku jugak marathon cite yg berunsur GayNess...kuikuikui

okeh 1st nk ckp, cite 'No Regret' tuh agak berani la in showing the gayness n compared to the antique bakery...sgt berani okeh...terperanjat gile ngan scene I said before la kan, aku bkn nyer suke GAY tp terpesona n terkesima (uwekkkk) ngan love dorg...the hardship they face...the confusion n the sick-to-their-stomach feeling bile dorg terpisah...wawawawa...aku pervert...dhla...nk smbong cite korea...[UPDATE:opss...mase aku tulis post neyh aku maseh on the way nk tgk cite noregret tuh...tgh loading...skali dh tgk...emmm amat x digalakkan esp tok kwn2 aku yeh...daring giler2...yaiks~~~xleh nk smbong citer tuh so move on to other story okeh...]

lantakla kalo ko nk kate aku g tgk cite lame2...APE AKU KESAH!!!cite2 yg aku tgk neyh mostly from the 2007 to mmg aku neyh OUTDATED giler2 la kan...

n BTW, KOREAN SINGERS r not all Gay!!!aku pernah freak out bile baru2 knal Kpop dulu bile tgk HyunJoong kiss skrg~~all the skinships just prove yg dorg tuh super cute n close with each other...


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